Wednesday, 20 October 2010

European Goodies

Gupps: So I’m guessing you’ll not need Downelink na, with all the European goodies around.

I just stared at message he sent me. Gupps is one of my few cyberfriends I made when I made a dummy YM account. It was my pastime before to talk to random PLUs while waiting for my university application and my visa.

I have to agree with him in some point for another. There is a huge supply of hot Europeans roaming around London. You can see them everywhere…. In buses, Tubes, trains, restaurants, cafes, retail outlets, etc.

My favourite place would be the Tube… Since my commute to work normally takes around 1 hour or more, I can just sit there and watch the cute guy sitting right in front of me.

They come in various features… some are rugged. Some are clean cut and boyish, while others just look sleek in their business outfit. Most of them are tall, but some are almost the same height as me. Short Caucasians are rare, but if I do find one, I am almost tempted to strike a conversation with them.

Then again, I am such a coward to even have qualms on checking the gay pubs out.

Yes, there might be a huge supply of good looking lads here, but as with most Western countries, most people here are aggressive. They treat one night stands like drinking a glass of beer.

I am not that kind of person. I want something more than just a mere fuck. I am not just a piece of meat waiting to be devoured by a flock of vultures.

 I am a person… a person with a heart… a heart capable of loving.

Will I be blessed with a hot European bloke that can love me because I am me, and not because I am just an exotic Oriental?

I hope so, but the world doesn’t work that way always.

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